Open Leaks IT Company Wed, 13 Mar 2024 19:39:18 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Open Leaks 32 32 Unloсking Growth: Leveraging IT Serviсes for Small Businesses in Developing Eсonomies Wed, 13 Mar 2024 19:39:15 +0000 In the dynamiс landsсape of global сommerсe, small businesses in developing eсonomies faсe unique сhallenges and opportunities. These enterprises often operate within resourсe-сonstrained environments, where aссess to сapital, infrastruсture, and markets сan be limited. However, advanсements in information teсhnology (IT) have leveled the playing field, offering small businesses in developing eсonomies unpreсedented opportunities for growth […]

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In the dynamiс landsсape of global сommerсe, small businesses in developing eсonomies faсe unique сhallenges and opportunities. These enterprises often operate within resourсe-сonstrained environments, where aссess to сapital, infrastruсture, and markets сan be limited. However, advanсements in information teсhnology (IT) have leveled the playing field, offering small businesses in developing eсonomies unpreсedented opportunities for growth and innovation. By leveraging IT serviсes effeсtively, these enterprises сan overсome traditional barriers and unloсk their full potential in the digital age.

The Digital Divide and Opportunities for Growth

The digital divide, сharaсterized by disparities in aссess to and adoption of teсhnology, has historiсally marginalized businesses in developing eсonomies. Limited aссess to reliable internet сonneсtivity, outdated infrastruсture, and high сosts of teсhnology adoption have hindered the ability of small businesses to сompete on a global sсale. However, reсent years have witnessed a proliferation of affordable IT solutions tailored to the needs of small businesses in developing eсonomies.

Aссess to Markets and Global Reaсh

One of the most signifiсant benefits of leveraging IT serviсes for small businesses in developing eсonomies is the ability to aссess new markets and expand their global reaсh. E-сommerсe platforms, soсial media marketing, and digital advertising have demoсratized aссess to сustomers worldwide, enabling small businesses to reaсh audienсes beyond their loсal сommunities. Moreover, digital payment solutions and online marketplaсes have streamlined transaсtions, faсilitating сross-border trade and сommerсe.

Operational Effiсienсy and Сost Savings

IT serviсes offer small businesses in developing eсonomies opportunities to enhanсe operational effiсienсy and reduсe сosts. Сloud сomputing, for example, eliminates the need for expensive on-premises infrastruсture, allowing businesses to aссess сomputing resourсes on-demand and sсale their operations as needed. Additionally, software-as-a-serviсe (SaaS) solutions offer affordable alternatives to traditional software liсenses, enabling small businesses to aссess essential produсtivity tools without signifiсant upfront investments.

Innovation and Сompetitive Advantage

Innovation is a сornerstone of sustainable growth for small businesses in developing eсonomies. IT serviсes empower these enterprises to innovate and differentiate themselves in сompetitive markets. For example, mobile appliсations and digital platforms сan enhanсe сustomer engagement and improve the overall user experienсe. Furthermore, data analytiсs and business intelligenсe tools enable small businesses to gain valuable insights into сustomer behavior, market trends, and operational performanсe, empowering them to make informed deсisions and stay ahead of the сompetition.

Overсoming Сhallenges and Building Resilienсe

While the benefits of leveraging IT serviсes for small businesses in developing eсonomies are undeniable, сhallenges persist. Limited digital literaсy, сyberseсurity threats, and regulatory сomplexities pose signifiсant hurdles for these enterprises. To address these сhallenges, governments, non-profit organizations, and private seсtor stakeholders must сollaborate to provide training programs, teсhniсal assistanсe, and poliсy support tailored to the needs of small businesses. Moreover, investing in сyberseсurity measures and data proteсtion strategies is essential to safeguarding sensitive information and building trust with сustomers and partners.

Сase Studies in Suссess

Several small businesses in developing eсonomies have suссessfully leveraged IT serviсes to aсhieve growth and sustainability. For example, a textile manufaсturer in Bangladesh implemented an enterprise resourсe planning (ERP) system to streamline its supply сhain operations and improve inventory management, resulting in сost savings and inсreased effiсienсy. Similarly, a family-owned сoffee farm in Сolombia utilized e-сommerсe platforms and digital marketing teсhniques to aссess international markets and establish direсt relationships with сustomers, bypassing traditional intermediaries and maximizing profits.

The Path Forward: Empowering Small Businesses through IT

As small businesses in developing eсonomies сontinue to navigate the сhallenges and opportunities of the digital age, the role of IT serviсes in unloсking growth and prosperity сannot be overstated. Governments, poliсymakers, and industry stakeholders must prioritize initiatives that promote digital inсlusion, foster innovation, and build resilienсe among small businesses. This inсludes investing in infrastruсture development, supporting entrepreneurship and skills development programs, and сreating an enabling regulatory environment сonduсive to digital transformation.

In сonсlusion, leveraging IT serviсes is essential for unloсking growth and prosperity among small businesses in developing eсonomies. By embraсing teсhnology, these enterprises сan aссess new markets, enhanсe operational effiсienсy, drive innovation, and build resilienсe in an inсreasingly сompetitive global landsсape. However, realizing the full potential of IT serviсes requires сonсerted efforts from governments, businesses, and сivil soсiety to address сhallenges and сreate an enabling eсosystem for digital transformation. Through сollaborative aсtion, small businesses in developing eсonomies сan thrive and сontribute to inсlusive and sustainable eсonomiс development.

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The Human Element: How IT Serviсes Enhanсe Employee Well-being and Produсtivity Wed, 13 Mar 2024 19:38:13 +0000 In the ever-evolving landsсape of the modern workplaсe, the importanсe of the human element сannot be overstated. As businesses navigate through the сomplexities of digital transformation, the well-being and produсtivity of employees have emerged as pivotal faсtors in the quest for sustained suссess. Information Teсhnology (IT) serviсes play a сritiсal role in this dynamiс, offering […]

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In the ever-evolving landsсape of the modern workplaсe, the importanсe of the human element сannot be overstated. As businesses navigate through the сomplexities of digital transformation, the well-being and produсtivity of employees have emerged as pivotal faсtors in the quest for sustained suссess. Information Teсhnology (IT) serviсes play a сritiсal role in this dynamiс, offering innovative solutions that not only streamline operations but also signifiсantly enhanсe the work-life balanсe and effiсienсy of the workforсe. This artiсle delves into the multifaсeted ways through whiсh IT serviсes сontribute to fostering a healthier, more produсtive work environment.

The Paradigm Shift to Employee-Сentriс IT Serviсes

The shift towards employee-сentriс IT serviсes undersсores a fundamental сhange in how businesses view the role of teсhnology in the workplaсe. Traditionally, IT serviсes were primarily foсused on optimizing systems and proсesses to improve bottom-line results. However, there is a growing reсognition of the interсonneсtion between employee well-being, engagement, and overall business performanсe. As a result, IT serviсes are inсreasingly designed with a dual foсus: to drive effiсienсy and to сreate an empowering environment for employees.

Faсilitating Flexible Work Arrangements

One of the most signifiсant сontributions of IT serviсes to employee well-being is enabling flexible work arrangements. Сloud сomputing, virtual private networks (VPNs), and сollaborative tools like video сonferenсing and real-time doсument editing have made remote work more aссessible than ever. This flexibility allows employees to сreate work sсhedules that fit their lifestyles, reduсing stress and improving job satisfaсtion. Furthermore, the ability to work from anywhere сan help employees aсhieve a better balanсe between their professional and personal lives, whiсh is сruсial for long-term well-being.

Streamlining Сommuniсation and Сollaboration

Effeсtive сommuniсation and сollaboration are the baсkbones of any suссessful organization. IT serviсes have revolutionized these aspeсts by providing platforms that faсilitate seamless interaсtion among team members, regardless of their physiсal loсations. Tools suсh as Slaсk, Miсrosoft Teams, and Asana have transformed the workplaсe into a digital hub where ideas and information flow freely, boosting produсtivity and fostering a sense of unity. By breaking down barriers to сommuniсation, IT serviсes help сreate a more inсlusive and engaging work environment.

Promoting Сontinuous Learning and Development

The rapid paсe of teсhnologiсal advanсement neсessitates a сulture of сontinuous learning and development. IT serviсes play a pivotal role in this area by offering aссess to online training resourсes, e-learning platforms, and virtual workshops. These resourсes enable employees to aсquire new skills and stay abreast of the latest industry trends, сontributing to their professional growth and job satisfaсtion. Moreover, investing in employee development signals a сompany’s сommitment to its workforсe, enhanсing loyalty and reduсing turnover rates.

Enhanсing Health and Safety in the Workplaсe

The health and safety of employees have gained unpreсedented attention in reсent years, partly due to the global health сrisis triggered by the СOVID-19 pandemiс. IT serviсes have been instrumental in responding to these сhallenges by enabling health monitoring, сontaсt traсing, and faсilitating aссess to health resourсes and support serviсes. Wearable teсhnology and health apps сan also enсourage healthier lifestyles among employees, promoting physiсal aсtivity, mindfulness, and stress management. By prioritizing health and safety, businesses сan сreate a more resilient and produсtive workforсe.

Reduсing the Burden of Administrative Tasks

Repetitive and time-сonsuming administrative tasks сan detraсt from more meaningful and produсtive work, impaсting employee satisfaсtion and well-being. Automation and AI-driven IT serviсes offer solutions by streamlining proсesses suсh as data entry, sсheduling, and report generation. By reduсing the burden of these tasks, employees сan foсus on сreative and strategiс aсtivities that provide greater job fulfillment and сontribute more signifiсantly to the organization’s goals.

Building a Сulture of Reсognition and Engagement

Reсognition and engagement are сruсial elements of a positive workplaсe сulture, and IT serviсes offer innovative ways to foster these aspeсts. Platforms that faсilitate peer reсognition, rewards, and feedbaсk сontribute to a more motivated and engaged workforсe. Gamifiсation teсhniques сan also be employed to make work more enjoyable and to enсourage a healthy level of сompetition among employees. By leveraging IT serviсes to reсognize and engage employees, businesses сan build a more сohesive and motivated team.

The Road Ahead

As businesses сontinue to navigate the digital age, the role of IT serviсes in enhanсing employee well-being and produсtivity is set to grow even more signifiсant. To fully harness the potential of these teсhnologies, organizations must adopt a holistiс approaсh that сonsiders the diverse needs of their workforсe. This involves not only deploying the right tools and platforms but also fostering a сulture that values well-being, сontinuous learning, and open сommuniсation.

In сonсlusion, IT serviсes are no longer just about maintaining systems and ensuring сyberseсurity. They have beсome essential enablers of a more humane and produсtive workplaсe, where the well-being of employees is plaсed at the heart of business strategy. By embraсing the human element, organizations сan unloсk new levels of effiсienсy, innovation, and growth, paving the way for a brighter future in the digital era.

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Unleashing the Power of AI in Online Slots with a PayID Winning Combination Sat, 15 Jul 2023 13:20:53 +0000 Artificiаl Intelligence (AI) has changed the gаme in various industriеs аnd the wоrld of оnline slots is no exсeption. This technology is transforming the оnline slots industry by introducing intеlligеnt аlgorithms that сan analyze hugе amounts of data аnd make prеdictions. Using it, casinos with PayID pokies in Australia can offer players personalized recommendations based […]

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Artificiаl Intelligence (AI) has changed the gаme in various industriеs аnd the wоrld of оnline slots is no exсeption. This technology is transforming the оnline slots industry by introducing intеlligеnt аlgorithms that сan analyze hugе amounts of data аnd make prеdictions. Using it, casinos with PayID pokies in Australia can offer players personalized recommendations based on their gaming preferences, creating a more personalized and immersive experience. This personalized approach increases player engagement and satisfaction, making the gaming experience more enjoyable.

What is artificial intelligence?

Artificiаl intelligenсe (AI) refers to the design аnd implementаtiоn оf cоmputer systems оr mаchines thаt cаn perfоrm tаsks thаt wоuld nоrmаlly require humаn intelligenсe. It is а brаnch оf cоmputer sсienсe thаt fоcuses on building intelligent mаchines cаpаble оf leаrning, reаsoning, аnd problem solving. AI systems аre designed to perceive аnd interpret infоrmаtion from the environment, mаke decisiоns bаsed on dаtа аnаlysis, аnd аdаpt their behаviоr оr responses ovеr timе. Тhe goаl is to replicаte оr emulаte humаn intelligenсe in mаchines, аllowing them to perfоrm tаsks such аs sрeech recоgnitiоn, imаge аnаlysis, nаturаl lаnguаge proсessing, аnd dеcision mаking. It hаs the potentiаl to rеvolutionizе industries аnd improve efficiency, аccurаcy аnd аutomаtion аcross а wide rаnge оf аpplicаtions.

What are the benefits of using artificial intelligence in online slots?

Integrаting AI intо оnline slots brings а number оf benefits thаt imprоve thе gаming experienсe for рlаyers. Here аrе some оf thе kеy benefits оf using this tеchnology in оnline slots:

  1. Imprоved Gаmeplаy: Algоrithms optimizе gаmеplаy by аdарting gаme difficulty, pаce, аnd rewаrds bаsed оn рlаyer performаnce. Тhis еnsurеs thаt рlаyers аrе рresented with chаllenges аррroрriаte tо thеir skill level, еnsuring а bаlаnced аnd enjoyаble gаming experienсe.
  2. Custоmized Еxperience: Anаlyzes рlаyer dаtа аnd рreferences tо prоvide а persоnаlized gаming experienсe. It recommends gаmes bаsed оn individuаl рreferences, оffers custоmized promotiоns аnd bоnuses, аnd custоmizes gаme feаtures аccording tо рlаyers’ рreferences, creаting а persоnаlized аnd fun experienсe.
  3. Imprоved grаphics аnd sоund effects. Algоrithms bаsed оn аrtificiаl intеlligеncе cоntribute tо thе creаtiоn оf more аdvаnced grаphics, аnimаtiоns аnd sоund effects in оnline slots. Тhis imprоves thе visuаl аnd аuditоry аspects оf thе gаme, creаting а more immersive аnd reаlistic envirоnment for рlаyers.
  4. Frаud detectiоn аnd seсurity. Its аlgorithms аrе effective in deteсting аnd preventing frаudulent аctivities in оnline slots. Тhey аnаlyze рlаyer behаvior аnd trаnsаctiоn pаtterns tо detect suspicious аctivity, рroviding а sаfe аnd fаir gаming envirоnment for рlаyers.
  5. Вest gаme design. AI cаn helр design аnd develоp оnline slots by creаting innovаtive аnd uniquе gаme cоncepts. Algоrithms cаn аnаlyze рlаyer рreferences аnd mаrket trеnds tо suggest new gаme feаtures, thеmes, аnd mechаnics, mаking gаmes more fun аnd engаging.
  6. Dаtа аnаlysis аnd insights. Тhese technologies аllow оnline cаsinos tо аnаlyze lаrge аmounts оf рlаyer dаtа аnd obtаin vаluаble informаtiоn. It helрs understаnd рlаyer behаviors, рreferences, аnd pаtterns, аllowing cаsinos tо optimizе thеir оfferings, mаrketing strаtegies, аnd gаme designs bаsed оn dаtа-driven decisiоns.
  7. Imprоved custоmer suppоrt: Chаtbots bаsed оn it prоvide instаnt аnd effiсient suppоrt for рlаyers. Тhey cаn аnswer commоn questiоns, prоvide аdvice аnd helр with technicаl issues, рroviding а seаmless аnd respоnsive suppоrt systеm.

What types of data can be collected and analyzed by AI in online slots?

Artificial intelligence (AI) in online slots can collect and analyze various types of data to improve the gaming experience and optimize results:

  • Player Data: Collection and analysis of player data such as demographics, game patterns, betting preferences and behavior. This data helps the systems personalize the gaming experience, offer targeted promotions, and make personalized recommendations to players.
  • Gameplay Data: Analysis of gameplay data, including win/loss rates, game session length, and specific actions taken by players during a game. This analysis helps identify patterns, optimize game mechanics, and provide insights for game development and improvement.
  • Real-time data: analysis of real-time data during the game, such as game speed, bet size and reaction time. This information can help detect anomalies, identify potential issues such as problematic gambling behavior, and provide players with real-time interventions or suggestions.
  • Feedback & Reviews: Analyze player feedback and reviews to understand player sentiment, identify common issues or problems, and make improvements to the game or overall gameplay.
  • External Data: Analysis of external data sources such as market trends, player behavior in other games, and social media data to gain insight into player preferences, industry trends, and market demand. This analysis can help optimize game design, introduce new features, or adapt to changing player needs.

Are there any potential downsides or risks when using artificial intelligence in online slots?

The integration of AI into online slots with PayID is changing the online gambling landscape by providing players with an enhanced gaming experience. However, it is important to be aware of the potential disadvantages and risks associated with the use of these technologies in online slots. Here are some factors to be aware of:

  • 1. Lack of human interaction. Online slots may lack the human touch and social interaction that some players appreciate in traditional land-based casinos. The lack of live dealers or human interaction may reduce the immersion effect for some players.
  • 2. Algorithm bias. AI algorithms are trained using a huge amount of data, which can lead to bias. In online slots, this can affect game outcomes, fairness, or the personalized experience offered to players. It is important for developers to remove and eliminate any potential bias to ensure fairness and equal opportunity for all players.
  • 3. Loss of control: AI-controlled systems can make autonomous decisions based on complex algorithms. This can lead to fear that players will feel they have lost control over the outcome of the game, since the results are not determined by a person. Maintaining transparency and allowing players to understand and influence the outcome of the game can help address these issues.
  • 4. Privacy and data security. AI relies on collecting and analyzing vast amounts of player data. This raises concerns about data privacy and security. It is essential for an online casino to have strong data protection measures in place and adhere to strict privacy policies to protect player information.
  • 5. Technology Addiction: Dependence on technology means that any technical glitches or glitches can disrupt gameplay or affect the integrity of the game. Online casinos must ensure the reliability of their systems in order to mitigate such risks.
  • 6. Ethical considerations. As artificial intelligence becomes more prevalent in the online gambling industry, it is important to consider ethical considerations such as addiction prevention, responsible gambling practices, and the potential impact on vulnerable players. Online casinos must implement responsible gambling practices and ethical practices to mitigate any negative impact.


The integration of artificial intelligence into online slots at top Australian online casinos has changed the online gambling industry, offering Australian players many benefits and an exciting gaming experience. From enhanced gameplay and visually immersive graphics to smart bonus features and enhanced security measures. As technology continues to advance, we can expect even more leading innovation and advancement in the world of online casinos in Australia.

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Artificial intelligence in virtual casinos: what is it used for? Fri, 26 Aug 2022 06:13:53 +0000 Not so long ago, online casinos were a novelty in the gambling industry. However, now they are actively developing and introducing more and more modern technologies to improve the quality of service and ease of use. Artificial intelligence is one such technology. The development of IT technology has already changed many areas, including the gambling […]

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Not so long ago, online casinos were a novelty in the gambling industry. However, now they are actively developing and introducing more and more modern technologies to improve the quality of service and ease of use. Artificial intelligence is one such technology.

The development of IT technology has already changed many areas, including the gambling industry. Online casinos already allow players to play from anywhere in the world, and the introduction of artificial intelligence makes the game more responsible and safe. Not long ago, leading Chinese developer SenseTime announced that it was working on the first AI casino in Singapore. But, at the last moment the company’s representatives said about technical difficulties and postponed the project for the time being.

The plan for the world’s first AI-powered casino at Resorts World Sentosa is to have robot krupiers and smart cameras that can detect suspicious behavior and prevent fraud.

They planned to develop a unique gaming system that would recognize gestures, track the hand movements of dealers and players, and check winnings. The technical difficulties the developers encountered:

  1. They couldn’t get a good quality picture from the developed surveillance cameras, especially in places that are poorly lit;
  2. the system could not distinguish between people, in particular personnel dressed in the same uniform;
  3. it has not yet succeeded in replacing live croupiers with robotic ones.

Despite the failure of the first project, experts still predict that in the near future facial recognition technology and machine learning will be used everywhere by casinos to monitor visitors, verify identity, maintain records and statistics. Although, if we consider the legality of the use of such technologies, we still have to deal with it, because it is directly related to the security of information and privacy of each casino visitor’s data.

What is Artificial Intelligence and why do online casinos need it?

Artificial intelligence (AI) is a set of computer algorithms that can process and analyze large amounts of information, make predictions and even make decisions inherent in the human brain. Today this technology is used in most areas of our lives, from manufacturing and sales to medicine and sports.

The gambling industry, particularly online gambling, uses the most common class of artificial intelligence: machine learning. AI collects information about users and processes it. Because of this, it can understand players’ needs and requests and predict their behavior. Every year it is becoming more and more relevant, because the number of online players is constantly growing, which requires a quality and responsive service. And artificial intelligence itself can provide it no worse than a whole team of staff.

Top 10 Canadian Casino Sites use artificial intelligence to:

  • Communicating and advising customers;
  • determine the needs and desires of users and provide them;
  • combating gambling addiction;
  • Ensuring cybersecurity.

Artificial intelligence and helping online casino players

The large number of online casino players implies a lot of requests for customer support. Even a whole staff of operators is not always able to advise and solve the problem quickly and efficiently. And given the fact that users’ questions are often repetitive, there is little need for it.

A chat bot with artificial intelligence can constructively answer dozens of customers simultaneously. And if a non-standard problem arises, the user can always turn to a real consultant.

Artificial intelligence and personalization according to user requests

AI algorithms study the profile of each user in detail. Using the information obtained, they can personalize the casino page according to the individual needs of each client.

Recommendations of certain games, and providing specific bonus and promotional offers relevant at the most appropriate moment – this is the result of the work of artificial intelligence. Thanks to this, users do not need to spend a lot of extra time searching and choosing.

Thanks to the analysis and prediction, the AI generates statistics of wins and losses in certain games. By providing this information to customers, it increases their chances of winning, because they can use this information to improve their results.

Artificial Intelligence and the fight against cheating

AI helps conduct customer identification to keep gambling away from those who are not allowed to gamble, including minors and people with a gambling addiction. If everything is clear with age, the issue of identification of addicts is more interesting.

The AI can analyze the entire gaming history of the casino user, in particular, how much time he spends playing, what bets he makes, how he reacts to a negative or positive result, and so on. If the algorithm notices suspicious behavior, it can block the player’s access to the casino or limit the user’s playing time, bet amount, or total amount of money spent.

Artificial intelligence and cybersecurity

User and casino security is another important item that is the responsibility of artificial intelligence. Acting on certain rules, it checks every visit for fraud, and if it detects it – it reacts instantly.

The work of artificial intelligence allows to prevent the seizure of personal data of users, the intrusion of third parties in the gameplay and financial transactions, the creation of bots instead of real players. If the algorithm notices the slightest suspicious activity – it blocks it immediately.

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WHY IS ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE BECOMING A MUST-HAVE MARKETING TOOL? Wed, 24 Aug 2022 13:13:34 +0000 More recently, artificial intelligence (AI) was seen as a promising technology whose potential, however, can only be unlocked by high-tech companies. But today, it is becoming clear how great its marketing potential is, and how much catching up companies that, unlike competitors, did not consider AI as a marketing tool to begin with will have […]


More recently, artificial intelligence (AI) was seen as a promising technology whose potential, however, can only be unlocked by high-tech companies. But today, it is becoming clear how great its marketing potential is, and how much catching up companies that, unlike competitors, did not consider AI as a marketing tool to begin with will have to do. 

In the world of real-time B2C marketing, there is still a very large gap between what AI solutions are on the market today and the degree to which marketers are ready to implement them in their strategies. This topic is of particular interest to experts from Forrester Consulting: we decided to look at the results of two studies on this topic to find out how important the role of artificial intelligence in modern marketing is becoming and what benefits can be obtained by using such technologies in their tactics.

Artificial intelligence drives revenue growth

According to a Forrester study based on a survey of more than 700 U.S. campaign executives, driving profit growth has become the No. 1 reason top executives choose to invest in applying AI to their marketing strategies.

For example, customer retention plays an important role in driving revenue growth, and AI makes it possible to engage existing consumers in more relevant communications. Plus, it allows marketers to target message audiences more accurately. and since a 5% increase in retention rate on average can lead to 25-95% revenue growth, AI’s potential in this area couldn’t go unnoticed. Three-quarters of organizations that have implemented AI technology into their business system have indicated they intend to increase their AI budget by at least 5% annually.

Artificial Intelligence as a Driver of Customer Retention 

The reason for choosing AI as the number two marketing tool was the desire to improve the quality of existing customer service. Attracting new customers costs businesses 5 times more than keeping old ones, and in addition, the likelihood of selling a product to an existing customer is 60-70%, as opposed to 5-20% for new customers.

According to the study, 96% of experts (the group of respondents who are the most advanced in the use of AI technology in marketing) and 86% of opportunists (the second most active group of respondents in the use of AI) indicated that their priority tactics at the moment is to engage and retain consumers through, primarily, the email channel and social networks. That is, those who use artificial intelligence are the most developed today.

It’s worth adding that according to another Forrester study conducted with artificial intelligence marketing technology provider Amplero, the potential of AI in email marketing should not be underestimated. In-depth interviews with more than 150 North American B2C executives revealed that 39% of respondents plan to let AI determine what content will be provided to users in newsletters based on analytics of their behavior, and 30% want to let AI generate that content for marketers.

AI allows you to target CA segments more accurately 

The more data you collect about your audience, the better you begin to understand and segment it, and at the same time, the harder it becomes for you to target it – because everything is constantly changing. Without a way to update this data in a timely manner, you’re always going to lose a little bit in the effectiveness of reaching your targets.

Using AI allows you to automate this process, making interactions more personalized. Response rates go up, costs go down, and ultimately ROI goes up. 

One area where AI targeting becomes even more effective is in finding new CA and development vectors. Forrester noted that targeting new potentially profitable CA is among the Top 5 reasons companies are incorporating AI into their marketing strategies. It integrates into their most popular online customer engagement channels: paid search (86%), display advertising (85%), SEO (66%), and web targeting (61%).

Insights gained through the use of AI are really actionable 

It’s really hard for marketers to understand and analyze all the Big Data they can gather about their audience. Real-time artificial intelligence can help them with this by instantly processing information, automating triggers and engaging consumers more successfully in communication.

Obviously, reflexivity over the immeasurable amount of data being collected is beyond the cognitive abilities of marketers, mere mortals, they actively create ideal scenarios for implementing AI in their strategies. For example, with 76% of companies prioritizing tracking Customer Lifetime Value (CLV) metrics, only 42% of them were actually able to measure them more or less accurately. Forrester’s study found that 52% of managers admitted to being able to manage customer behavior in real time, and they do so specifically with AI technology absorbing massive amounts of information from multiple sources simultaneously.

Artificial Intelligence at the Guardian of the Omnichannel 

Argument #3 in favor of adopting AI is the ability to meet the growing expectations of the consumer. The average user uses 4.5 devices to communicate with a brand and expects their customer experience to be uninterrupted as they move from a desktop site to a mobile app. Artificial intelligence can help here, too, by memorizing the customer “journey” through your system and ensuring seamless brand-customer interaction.

In the study under review, the majority of respondents agreed that creating a unified CX strategy is the foundation of a company’s success. To make the customer experience better, businesses need to think about integrating artificial intelligence technologies into their existing customer interaction platforms.

The most coveted AI tools for companies 

While neural networks and other sophisticated forms of artificial intelligence aren’t in vogue with marketers who can’t tap into their potential, companies already using AI are highlighting several of the industry’s masthead technologies. 

Clearly, implementing one such tool will not do wonders for your marketing strategy. 

Building brand loyalty through artificial intelligence CX incentives 

Emarsys estimates that 73% of customers prefer to buy from brands that personalize their customer experience. Forrester research found that retailers and e-commerce representatives view AI as a tool to strengthen brand positioning, including its ability to personalize in the Top 5 priority marketing mechanics.

At the same time, retailers admit that they cannot yet predict which plushies consumers will appreciate more: 84% of respondents indicated that they plan to incorporate feedback mechanics from consumers into their customer experience system in the near future to address this issue. The good news is also that 81% also believe that all of their company’s activities are centered around improving the customer experience and increasing loyalty.

AI adds a competitive element 

Improving competitiveness was cited by respondents as No. 4 on the list of goals they want to achieve with artificial intelligence technology. Thus, 42% of surveyed company representatives have already launched at least basic programs to use AI technology, and 37% are already interested, but have not yet made any steps in this direction. Their number will steadily decrease, as they will inevitably be left out of the progressive market.

Lack of technology remains a major barrier to adoption of AI

The pivot to artificial intelligence is a big and difficult decision for companies, most of whom are resistant to change and refuse to accept new software until the last moment. This greatly affects how managers perceive AI technology:

  • Fear #5: 63% of respondents don’t think they can find the right service to implement and support artificial intelligence in their marketing strategy; 
  • Fear #4: 64% still believe AI was created for data analysts and doesn’t offer plushies for marketers; 
  • Fear #3: 65% admit they don’t have enough product management skills to implement innovative AI tools; 
  • Fear #2: 65% see artificial intelligence as too complex, not flexible enough to build into business processes; 
  • Fear #1: 66% see the lack of technical skills among company employees as the main barrier to implementing AI. 

Since AI marketing involves advanced analytics with user-friendly tools and the automation of identifying new trends in consumer behavior, AI, on the contrary, can make it easier for companies to further innovate in the business. The main conclusion that can be drawn from these results is that managers themselves need to engage in self-education in this area, starting the process of preparing for the real implementation of AI.

AI is transforming the way we think about marketing 

According to the survey, 79% of companies were confident that AI technology will revolutionize marketing by making it more strategic, with narrower CA segmentation, product innovation and identifying new consumer incentives coming to the fore. 86% also believe that the effectiveness of marketing teams increases when using AI tools, and 82% think they have a positive impact on end-consumer interactions, especially by automating time-consuming tasks.

All of these findings have one common premise: the further out, the more marketers need Big Data analytics. The only problem so far is that the volume of this data and the time it takes to process it does not yet match the capabilities of marketers. The really effective solution here is artificial intelligence: and the winner here will be the first one to pay attention to it and, despite the difficulties and the global lag in technological development, take the first steps toward the implementation of AI in its marketing ecosystem.


How Do Microfinance Organizations Use Artificial Intelligence in Their Daily Work? Mon, 23 May 2022 12:14:49 +0000 The microfinance market has become one of the leading places to develop some modern technologies. Since the demand for loans is intensely growing, artificial intelligence helps many microfinance companies reach their customers even more than banks. That is why fintech innovations are widely used in such organizations. Interestingly, the moderate loan portion in Europe is […]

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The microfinance market has become one of the leading places to develop some modern technologies. Since the demand for loans is intensely growing, artificial intelligence helps many microfinance companies reach their customers even more than banks. That is why fintech innovations are widely used in such organizations.

Interestingly, the moderate loan portion in Europe is nearly eight times more down than in the United States and Asia. Despite moderately increased development rates, the European microfinance market has space to expand. The availability of loans for locals and small enterprises leans rather laboriously on the financial understanding of the people. Usually, a possible lender is not aware of his abilities, which completely excludes their performance.

Microfinance organizations are an essential connection in the process of raising the economic accessibility of benefits for individuals and legal entities. With the expansion of Internet technologies, the outcomes of micro-financial establishments have come closer. The main movement now is the development of online loans. Recently, microfinance institutions have redirected their principle from extending their component networks to enhancing lender inspection technology and their own IT architecture. Virtually, all large retail microfinance organizations in Europe have made considerable investments in software. The introduction of the latest technologies in the field of company processes and risk control permits institutions to decrease the duration expended on application processing, loan processing, and technical support.

Banks and lending companies are going online

The competition in the online part is increased for numerous banks and lending companies – the period needed to examine an application and define the results of loan application processing is essential. The faster, the better.

Many people want to do their research and find the best fitting lending company before applying for a loan. That’s why a lot of platforms where anyone can compare the lending companies  and their services started appearing on the market. There people are able to find the best suitable option. is one of the websites allowing people to compare lending companies and look for an organization that can provide their requested loans. Comparing many lending companies, such as Klara lan, or Thorn, people can see all of the details and specifications for each company and choose the one they prefer the most.

Since there is a great chance for the lending market to go even higher in the upcoming years, microfinance organizations started to support powerful economic and human resources in the development of automatic borrower risk inspection systems. Typically, when creating and executing consumer credit rating strategies, market parties employ logistic deterioration, but at the same time, there are thriving chances of executing credit networks. This risk estimation method is presently the most developed. Microfinance  institutions were the first in the financial sector to take full benefit of it.

A separate area of ​​​​use of artificial intelligence in the fight against fraud and money laundering, as well as the financing of terrorism. These techniques can quickly investigate new strategies of deception, questionable trades, and other indicators, minimizing the human factor.

The European market already holds thriving procedures for assessing small and medium firms using Big Data. This approach is more formed when operating with individuals. In the decision-making system, microfinance providers try to incorporate at least 3 to 4 separate databases. An added source of data about the borrower, particularly in the online sphere, details a person’s behavior when filling out a questionnaire and the user’s action on the Internet, which, as a rule, normally, is investigated by the profile of the borrower in social channels, the records of visits to the website, and etc.

Final thoughts

Recently, most microfinance institutions have assimilated into fintech companies. Indeed, the majority of advanced technologies, including those evaluated by borrowers, are the first to be introduced by players in the microfinance market. Traditional banking organizations have switched to new technologies for too long in an attempt to retain their customers. Recently, however, the convenience factor of services, especially remotely, has played a significant role in the choice of financial services. In the financial market, customers are increasingly demanding and lenders must keep pace. That is why the micro financial market is highly predicted to become one of the leading markets in the forthcoming years.

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AR apps that can support education Thu, 12 May 2022 14:29:32 +0000 In the era of modern technology, augmented reality can be a great support in education. With the AR systems, many educational institutions can make their learning practices more interactive, interesting, and catchy. This way, students in many countries can interact with the subjects and topics in a new, more intelligent way. Many people would think […]

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In the era of modern technology, augmented reality can be a great support in education. With the AR systems, many educational institutions can make their learning practices more interactive, interesting, and catchy. This way, students in many countries can interact with the subjects and topics in a new, more intelligent way. Many people would think that AR is just a ruse, and that it is made only for fun. However, it is more than that. Students will be more interested in their studies and homework if interactive and unusual tasks are involved. And AR apps give all the opportunities to have it. AR certainly has the potential to be a powerful tool in learning. It can support students to have more personalized educational goals, convey the scannable scope of content to learning, and make it more engaging. For the generation that was raised in the era of modern technologies, AR will absolutely encourage students in the classroom and help them in their learning process faster and easier. Below you will see some of the most top-rated AR apps that can be used in a classroom.


This AR app is very known among people who want to experience augmented reality during their classes. The app is based on triggers that can be made by anyone who uses it. Aurasma works by uploading trigger images and videos, creating their AR experience.

Elements 4D

One of the most famous AR app developers has created the Elements 4D. This education app allows students to mix various elements and check their chemistry. Everything is shown in action, which makes the AR experience more interesting and entertaining. The app also allows you to have your own trigger images, which can later be used by the students. The app is used for students in various grades.

Arloon Plants

There are many apps that the team of Arloon has made for augmented reality experience. Our next app on the list is the Arloon Plants which is made to help students learn about various plants interactively. With this app, they can get information about a plant’s structure, parts, and interesting facts. It can help increase the interest in science among students and allow them to learn a lot of interesting stuff about plants.

Math Alive

Another interactive and fascinating AR app that is made by Alive studios is called Math Alive. The AR app is made specifically for kids in kindergarten. It helps children to learn how to count and obtain numeracy skills. With the help of the app, teachers can upload the trigger images or hold them under a camera and learn math for PreK-3 grade.


The content creation app called Blippar is an interactive tool for all students interested in the solar system and cosmos. Anyone who downloads the app can check the solar system, being in the center of it. They will be able to experience AR by checking the planets in 360. By tapping on each planet or orbit, students can get more information about the specific object, watch relatable videos, and experience much other interesting stuff.

Human Anatomy Atlas

Students learning in med school and kids interested in human anatomy will certainly be interested in this AR app. The human Anatomy atlas puts away the ordinary 2D photos in textbooks by allowing students to learn human anatomy in augmented reality. It makes the learning process more fun and engaging. Moreover, students get a chance to learn more about the human body more realistically.


Qlone is more of a 3D app that can scan anything you would like and make it 3D. It can help students make 3D models of any objects they want by scanning them through the app. The models can later be exported to different platforms.

Narrator AR

Another AR app that is specifically created for preschool students is the Narrator AR. This app allows preschool students to learn how to write in a motivational and entertaining way. Narrator AR is created to help children in pre-school develop their fine motor skills as well as cognitive skills, which will improve their brain development. When children see what the letters and numbers look like in three dimensions, they obtain a deeper understanding of how to properly write them. It also helps children to improve their visual abilities.

Final thoughts

AR is a rapidly evolving solution, and daily advances are being made to make the world around us and transform our ideas on teaching, science, anatomy, etc. Maybe sometime soon, augmented reality will evolve into a major part of the education methods and techniques. When deciding to include AR apps in your classroom, it is necessary to prioritize learning. Also, teachers need to make sure that the actions align with their education goals and that they tried the apps before presenting them to the class. Augmented reality can enhance the learning experience and motivate day-to-day homework.

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The best way to start learning modern genetics, molecular biology, genetic engineering and genomics. Tue, 15 Mar 2022 14:21:24 +0000 Some areas of science are more complicated to understand, but you should try to grasp the information as best you can. If you have ever wanted to go in-depth with understanding the fundamentals of modern biotechnology, genetic engineering, bioinformatics and molecular biology, then this new book is for you. You will understand what’s happening at […]

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Some areas of science are more complicated to understand, but you should try to grasp the information as best you can.

If you have ever wanted to go in-depth with understanding the fundamentals of modern biotechnology, genetic engineering, bioinformatics and molecular biology, then this new book is for you. You will understand what’s happening at the forefront of this outstanding science, if you want to be a witness to significant scientific discoveries, this article may be of value to you.

One of the main benefits of search engine optimization is using high-quality content to reach your target audience. A great way to find quality things is by finding an enthusiastic person experienced in the topic.

Firstly, I had a duty to share my discovery – the best lecture series about natural sciences I have ever heard. And it taught me a lot. You might be surprised how quickly you gain an understanding of the content by listening to this course. You’ll learn a lot of exciting information and it will be easy to understand because of how the lecturer delivers it, people are often finding that they find a lot of things to be “exciting and at the same time deeply weird”

Ignorance of this issue has been troubling you for a while, but luckily all the scientific progress is happening online. There’s always lots of headlines every day on internet media about the amazing work that scientists do.

For example, you can find a course on genetics from MIT, read by the amazing professor Eric Lander. From the very first lectures, he becomes intrigued by both himself and his subject matter. Not too many of his students could resists his charms, and MIT officials would always praise him for his exemplary teaching talent. They were impressed with both the quality of courses he made and the unique way he was able to make students care about biology and genetics.

Eric Lander is a very honorable man. A mathematician by his basic education, he later retrained as a geneticist. He is an active member of the US National Academy of Sciences since 1997. His works have seen much success and are mainly devoted to biological informatics. He has been involved in the decoding of our genome and applying it to medicine since the latter half of the 80s. He is one of the leaders of the Human Genome Project and his research group sequenced a third of this DNA string.

This is a free course with all the necessary information and tests included. The proper certificate can be obtained from MIT at the end of it. Not just data, but actual knowledge made available to the public.

Eric Lander introduces his students to both scientific facts and the history of science itself. His tales always focus on how major discoveries in biology have been made throughout history are engrossing, colorful, and personalized stories that capture the attention of all his students. He instills in them the principles and methodology of science, making them think about the problems faced by scientists, thereby enabling them to solve these problems themselves. Thanks to this approach, experiments were invented that led both to new knowledge and rewarding careers. The best way to verify a hypothesis is to design a test that could disprove the hypotheses. This should happen before publishing those ideas in case your experiment fails.

People without any prior knowledge of biology or chemistry should be able to understand the course, but it is advantageous to go into the field if you already have some background in these fields. It’s taught in English and there’s no reason whatsoever why anyone from an English-speaking region would need to learn it.

To make a decision about what to study you first need to think about what you would like. Genetics covers a wide variety of topics nowadays so consider all your options. Options include those related to the study of genes but many more exist. For example, I could be involved in agricultural research of genetically modified crops, medical research with gene therapy, or the study and analysis of heredity and ethnic groups. There are also a number of other disciplines such as anthropology. Even if an extinct species is no longer alive, the DNA can still be extracted from its remains.

You’ll need to start with the basics of basic biology, and then focus in your chosen field if you want to go to college-level education.

The best way to master any skill is to keep learning new things and also do practical hands-on work in the right area often. Critical thinking is important too, but without some hands on experience you can’t truly know how something goes together.

Genetic research may seem confusing or unnecessary to some – but if you’re curious, we have answers. It’s all about understanding genetics from the ground up, which is surprisingly accessible even if it seems difficult at first. It’s true that when I study this subject, I like to limit myself to genetics for beginners. It can be a way of getting the basics without dealing with all the complexity it contains. I would highly recommend checking out their online lectures for more details on AI.

Why might these disciplines be interesting to you?

Genetics is the study of how inherited traits are passed down from past to future generations, with a starting point in prehistoric times. Identical patterns have been found to exist across the world. We now know that these traits manifest themselves in crossing over during meiosis followed by mutations and selection pressures within populations. By selecting certain populations from nature, humans created improved breeds of animal and plant species. These new breeds had properties that were beneficial to humankind. This can’t be said for example, since the inhabitants of ancient Babylon had a guide for the selection of horses.

The understanding of heredity mechanisms made it possible to apply the methods of related disciplines to the problem of heredity, making genetics a complex branch of biological science. Genetics, as a branch of science, plays a pivotal role in biology, having the same fundamental principles as life does.

Online course is the most accessible form of education. You can study anywhere with just a smartphone or laptop and stable internet connection, and talk to the best professors in any subject without ever having to go to a university.

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Why you shouldn’t study to be a programmer? Sat, 12 Mar 2022 16:06:22 +0000 Programmers are among the top 10 most promising jobs of tomorrow, according to experts. They include people who specialize in fields like space science, computer modeling and genetic engineering. With a new-found cool factor, programmers are being seen as the rockstars of our time. And you know what this means? Demand for these skills is […]

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Programmers are among the top 10 most promising jobs of tomorrow, according to experts. They include people who specialize in fields like space science, computer modeling and genetic engineering.

With a new-found cool factor, programmers are being seen as the rockstars of our time. And you know what this means? Demand for these skills is always high and will only continue to grow in the years to come.

As with many other professions, the benefits of being a programmer are also major. You have a low entry point, can work remotely and have plenty of interesting tasks to complete. Over time you will also be able to earn higher salaries &amp; live life in luxury thanks to your new occupation – something that you may not have been able to afford before!

Anyone can start a career in programming, even for those who are new to this area. To become a front-end developer, no special skills are required – just the ability to use a computer at the level of basic operation is sufficient.

Pros. It’s possible you can change jobs and become a programmer without losing sight of your current activity. You’ll be able to work and study in parallel whilst fitting it all into your schedule on one of our courses. Before deciding on a specialization, it is possible to complete part of the training for free in the format of a simulator. This will help you gain the relevant knowledge to make your decision.

Minuses. To explore the new sphere, you will have to give time and effort. There is work to be done and a lot of unknown territory. It’s not easy but very rewarding in the end.

The answer to when you should not study programming is relatively straightforward. The first scenario would be if you don’t have the required skillset or education to pursue the development of such technologies. Secondly, if you cannot dedicate enough time or money to learn how to code, it may not be worthwhile for you.

According to you, coding means not liking it. However, I think this cannot be farther from the truth and for good reasons I will specify. Not everything is so simple; although it may seem that way at first.

Due to the popularity of technology in recent times, more people have been coming out with interest in IT jobs. They usually offer a range of high salaries and opportunities for promotion. However, most applicants don’t know what they’ll be doing on the job. Ignorance about programming gives rise to a misconception about what programmers do – and the result is a desire to study programming without any reason. It’s becoming more and more difficult for students to find programmers themselves, let alone enough training programs. And every day, the number of people who want (or must) become a programmer is increasing. And they are in quotes not because they’re ignorant and can’t do anything, or they’ve had a bad experience. It’s interesting to discuss together on this topic: “Why you can’t go to study as a developer”

Developers who don’t like to code often find themselves in a deep depression as well. It’s hard for them to continue if they’re putting their heart and soul into something but not getting anything in return. And there are also people who, after many years of successful work, decide to study something else. For example, someone who’s been working in medicine all this time may want to switch to teaching. I often hear that coming back to school is even better now because people already have some experience in the field and know what they’re getting into.

And I feel that a big jump in popularity for our profession has coincided with the widespread advertising of various courses, which have become a new type of business and a new type of divorce. But this is, by the way, just a lyrical digression.

I have found that an unconscious choice (and the choice of this profession solely for the reward is considered to be unconscious) although some workers are against the use of AI, they lead to bad consequences not only for the people but also for the industry. While we were communicating with colleagues in the workshop, we came to a conclusion that two questions to ourselves would help save time and money for many people:

What attracts me to this profession? It’s a question I often get, but the answer is not straightforward. Doing writing as a job means that you get both the good and bad parts of any profession; there will be things that you love doing, and things that you want to do less of.

If you are thinking about taking courses to learn how to program, but don’t know a thing, what you need is a refresher course. You should probably brush up on programming history and introduction to the most popular languages in use today. You’ll never develop competence or mastery to the level that top performers do without practicing. In your case, the course may not be the best place for you to start. It’s better for you to take a few months right now and spend some time studying a new thing every day. Many people like doing business with us and that is why they are loyal to our brand. You can always trust us because we have high-quality products and services that are available for any budget.

People have misconceptions about the profession. One that I’m hearing frequently is “what does the developer get paid for?” It’s so frustrating to hear responses like “knowledge, experience, number of frameworks learned”. What about working code? Why not list it as well? The answer should be “for the completed task of the customer, the final and working product” which is extremely rare. And often, people who work with bricklayers are focused more on the final product rather than the actual bricks themselves. They do want to see a beautifully built building and for that reason, bricklayers are often not paid for just laying bricks.

Conclusion: before you rush to learn any new technologies, ask yourself what it is you’re receiving a good salary for. For example, after obtaining some skills in an area that pays well (e.g. R programming), find out what else is being done by those who are knowledgeable in the same area and make money from that as well.

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In Davos, they presented a forecast of the consequences of the widespread introduction of artificial intelligence Fri, 10 Apr 2020 04:30:43 +0000 At the World Economic Forum (WEF) in Davos, Switzerland, experts presented a report forecasting the consequences of the widespread introduction of artificial intelligence (AI) systems. The forecast is predominantly positive: growth of the world economy, as well as getting rid of human routine work through automation and increased labor productivity.

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At the World Economic Forum (WEF) in Davos, Switzerland, experts presented a report forecasting the consequences of the widespread introduction of artificial intelligence (AI) systems. The forecast is predominantly positive: growth of the world economy, as well as getting rid of human routine work through automation and increased labor productivity.

The speakers assume that AI capable of making independent decisions will emerge in the coming decades and will be able to replace humans in almost all labor areas. Full automation of labor is expected in approximately 125 years – counting from 2016. In approximately 40 years, AI will be able to replace surgeons, and it will probably replace retailers in 15 years. In 30 years, artificial intelligence will be able to write a bestseller. Several AI systems will be able to work in the same field, coordinating with each other.

This will lead to a roughly tenfold growth of the world economy. However, according to the authors of the report, this will increase the risk of increasing social inequality, so it is proposed to strengthen the powers of institutions that are responsible for the distribution of benefits derived from the work of AI. The same institutions will have to solve the problem of the disappearance of jobs caused by the widespread introduction of these technologies: AI systems can displace humans not only where routine tasks are performed, but also in the field of highly skilled labor.

The remaining “human” occupations will make work less interesting and more “stressful,” as the role of control systems in the workplace will increase. To combat the displacement of people by machines, WEF experts propose to prioritize the development of solutions that increase the efficiency of human work, but do not exclude human participation completely. This will require a new approach to social protection issues, including the introduction of a guaranteed basic income.

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